GoLead 2015!

Our entire GoLead class!

Our entire GoLead class!


Last week we had the pleasure of facilitating this years GoLead class of 21 bright young high school students from all over the Lehigh Valley! Every day, the students participated in numerous activities: team building, leadership,  decision making skills, community awareness, the history of community service in the United States, and more. The students said that they enjoyed the team building and leadership games the most. All of these activities led up to planning their culminating capstone project. This years class decided that they wanted to focus on childhood obesity. To work towards alleviating this problem, the class decided that they wanted to organize a field day promoting exercise and nutrition. They decided that they wanted to do this project at the Boys and Girls Club of Bethlehem. We expect 40 children from the ages of 5-14 to attend the event this Thursday, July 30th. There will be sports stations, arts and crafts, snacks, and a short presentation about the importance of healthy eating and exercise. The students worked very hard planning this project, so we are looking forward to seeing them in action this Thursday! All of the students became quick friends and will hopefully stay in contact with each other so that they can work together in their communities in the future!

Below are some pictures of the GoLead class completing a team building activity.

The GoLead students working on their teams to complete a tower made out of newspaper.

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Book Buddies Week 4!


We are finishing up our fourth week of Book Buddies! With the Kindergarten through second graders this week, we are reading Caps for Sale. On Monday, we created our own peddlers with their own caps, as shown below. On Friday, we will be doing a “Reader’s Theatre” of Caps for Sale, where the students will be able to act out the entire story!

With the fourth and fifth graders, we have reached the mid-point of James and the Giant Peach! Our students are doing such a great job reading with each other. Today, we created life size characters from James and the Giant Peach. One of the younger students in the fourth and fifth grade group mustered up a lot of courage to read a paragraph in front of his older, more advanced, peers. He was also extremely engaged in the activity, staying an extra ten minutes so that he could finish his drawing!

This week, we have also begun an in-depth planning of GoLead, which is just two weeks away! We will have 23 students attending this year, and our looking forward to meeting all of these future leaders.

Until next week!

Laura and Nora

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July 1st – Week 2 of Book Buddies!

Week 2

Today, Wednesday July 1st marks the end of the second week of Book Buddies at the Boys and Girls Club in Bethlehem!

The first week of Book Buddies was a huge success. On Monday, we had 10 kindergarten to 2nd graders and 15 4th and 5th graders. The younger kids read Curious George Goes to the Beach and the older kids read Bats at the Library. After reading in small groups facilitated by a volunteer, all the kids completed a journal activity to accompany the theme of both stories. Wednesdays we will have the 4th and 5th grade students and Fridays we will have the younger students. The first Wednesday the 4th and 5th graders began reading James and the Giant Peach. Each child had a chance to read a chapter of the book out loud to their group members. This will continue until we finish the book. On Friday we continue with the beach theme and read Bats at the Beach to the younger children. After reading the book, the children made a beach collage of the items they would bring to the beach. One student’s collage is shown below.

The second week of Book Buddies was short due to the upcoming holiday, Fourth of July! On Monday, the younger children read Knuffle Bunny, a story about a little girl loosing her favorite stuffed animal. After the story, the kids created a “lost” poster of their favorite stuffed animal. On Wednesday, the 4th and 5th graders continued reading James and the Giant Peach and created their own bag of wishes just like James did when he received the magic beans.

Next Week, we look forward to reading Caps for Sale with the younger kids and continue reading James and the Giant Peach with the older kids.

Reading Prek

A fifth grade student, Kayla, reads Knuffle Bunny to a group of 1st and 2nd graders

Beach Activity

Saniah, an incoming 2nd grade student and her beach collage/story!


Summer 2015!

Hello! Our names are Laura McCann and Nora Ahern, this years summer interns. We will use our first blog to introduce ourselves and what we plan on accomplishing this summer!

My name is Laura McCann and I will be a senior at Lehigh University this fall. I have lived in Allentown my whole life, and attended Allentown Central Catholic, where I graduated in 2012.  Currently, I am pursuing a bachelors in Behavioral Neuroscience. After graduation, I intend on working in the field of geriatrics. In the past, I have spent my summers working and volunteering at nursing homes. This summer I am excited to be working with children as I intern here at the Volunteer Center.

My name is Nora Ahern and I grew up in Bethlehem, and graduated from Liberty High School in 2011. This past May, I graduated with my Bachelors in Social Work and my Bachelors in Spanish Language and Literature from Temple University. I will be attending the University of Pennsylvania this fall to pursue my Masters of Social Work. I have worked with children for the past eight years. Most of my experience comes from working in low-income preschools in North Philadelphia, where I worked with my peers to implement a literacy curriculum with the goals of making sure every child enters kindergarten prepared to succeed. I am passionate about social justice and educational equality, and believe that the two go hand in hand. I am very excited to be back in my home town working towards the same goals, and training future leaders of our community!

This summer, we are involved with two programs: Book Buddies at the Boys and Girls Club of Bethlehem (E. 4th Street Branch) and the GoLead one week leadership training institute for high school students, held here at the Volunteer Center.

This week marks our first full week with the Book Buddies Program! We will attend every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning until the end of July. We have 15 kindergarten and first grade students paired with three volunteers from the community. Three groups participate in a repeated read-aloud of the same story three times per week, complete a journal writing activity, an educational game, and a craft related to the storybook. This summer, we also have 15 fourth and fifth grade students. We will be reading Roald Dahl’s James and The Giant Peach in small groups. As we will be reading this book over the course of the five weeks, we will be discussing different literary aspects of the novel, along with summarizing, sequencing, and discovering new words. We are also likely to complete some crafts and  creative writing activities along the way!

We are extremely excited for our GoLead program this summer! The program runs July 20th-24th. We have had over 25 applicants to the program this year, making it the most in The Volunteer Center’s history! All of the students reside in the Lehigh Valley, and play large roles in their communities. We are looking forward to meeting our diverse group of students and being inspired by their creativity, organizational skills, and passion for making change in their communities.


This Is The End

Well, my time at the Volunteer Center is officially over and I have left the country! I had such an amazing experience working there for the past 10 weeks and would like to thank everyone who played a part in my time there!

Last week being my last was most certainly a very busy and eventful one!

I started off the week by taking the children from the VOA Children’s Center to Cedarbrook Nursing Home where we had different stations set up for the children and the residents to have fun with together! We had a colouring station, a beads station, a bandana station, a boardgames station, and so many more fun activities! The children absolutely loved this trip and it was a great way for me to end my time with the VOA Children’s Center. 

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Later on Monday I was back at the VOA Children’s Center with half of the kids from goLEAD as they were doing the first part of their service project with the pre-schoolers there! They set up 2 arts projects with the children: puppet making and finger painting. The children absolutely loved it and the goLEAD kids did a great job!

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My last week at The Boys and Girls Club was a good one and ended well with all the children getting a sticker at the end of the week. The children were able to take home a book to commemorate their time with us and all the work they did with the program! 

Once again I would like to thank everyone who played I met and worked with over the summer. These past 10 weeks have been so amazing! Thank you!! Enjoy the rest of your summers!


Ambulance Fun Friday!

This week has been a fun and exciting one!

The week started off with the children from the VOA Children’s Center going to Muhlenberg College Library where they did a scavenger hunt! Unfortunately, I was unable to attend but Christina thankfully took my place and everyone had a blast!

Book Buddies at The Boys and Girls Club was great this week! For the most part, the children were all great! They read ‘Billy Bully – A School Yard Tale’ where they learnt the importance of working with people apposed to bullying people into helping you.

We had a very exciting morning at the VOA Children’s Center today! We had a visit from the Emmaus Ambulance Corps where one of the paramedics taught the children all about the operation! IMG_7824

They all got to try the oxygen mask which apparently doesn’t smell very nice!IMG_7846

They all got to to get the heart rate tested and check their oxygen levels.


To finish off the exciting visit, they were all able to sit in the front of the ambulance and turn on the siren!


I had a good week and excited and sad for next week! Which will be my last!

Enjoy your weekend!


Back to the programs!

It has been a busy week back to all our programs! 

I started the week at the VOA where the children learnt about Martin Luther King Jr. and they wrote some letters for children at the Lehigh Valley Hospital.

I had a great week at The Boys and Girls Club with Book Buddies. The children were all great this week and for the first time, all the children received a sticker at the end of the week – something that can be taken away from the children if they misbehave. IMG_7779

One of our boys received his first sticker, which made me a very happy leader!


This morning I was at the VOA Children’s Center where the kids decorated cookies which were donated to the Lehigh County Conferences of Churches Soup Kitchen and dog treats to donate to The Sanctuary at Haafsville. They were all great!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!


goLEAD 2014!

It has been a fortnight since I last posted! And A LOT has happened!

Last week I had fun with the children at The Boys and Girls Club doing Book Buddies and spent Friday at the VOA Children’s Center where they made cards for the men and woman who bravely serve our country!IMG_7628


This week has been a very busy and extremely exciting week! This week was our goLEAD week, a leadership institute for high school students! The children partook in a load of games and activities which all helped to improve their leadership skills. The goal of the end of the week was to create a service project. They have decided to work with the VOA children center where they have two service days set up. They will be doing an arts program and a sport program. All of the teens were great and I had an extremely fun week!




Waiting For The Rain Wednesday

Hello all! Hasn’t it been a hot past couple of days? I know it certainly has been for me! With cycling back and fourth from Muhlenberg College to the Boys and Girls Club! And with the air con not working so well in the office! I am ready for the rain! (I am British after all, it’s what I’m used to!)

What a busy week I have had so far!


I started off my week by bringing the kids from the VOA to the Muhlenberg Gardens and they all loved it!


They learnt all about what it is like to maintain your own garden,IMG_7431

they learnt about composts and did some weeding in the garden,


and they even got to pick some of the food and try it!!


The students living in the garden house at Muhlenberg College were so great to host us and were really good with the children! Thank you to them!

The Book Buddies program has been running well! The heat has made a few children a bit restless but all in all they are having fun reading the stories and playing games with the tutors!

Today, in addition to being at the Boys and Girls Club, I have been working on the goLEAD program which kicks off in less than two weeks (where has the time gone????), I am excited to have a past goLEAD participant to be helping me run the program this year!

I hope you all have a good rest of the week and enjoy your Friday off for the 4th of July!! Have an amazing holiday!!


First Week of Programs!

Hello all! Philippa here! I hope you have had a good week! I certainly have had a very busy week!

I started off on Monday with my first session at VOA where I did a program on sun safety with the children and they made cancer awareness ribbons for the American Cancer Society! The kids seemed to enjoy this! I was back there again this morning, where I was teaching the children about nutrition and they made placemats for Meals on Wheels!

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I was at The Boys and Girls Club where we started our first week of Book Buddies!


We changed our program so that it is open to K-2nd graders!


We had a lot of fun our first week and a lot of the children seemed to really enjoy themselves!


All of our tutors have been great!

